Majestic Isles
Boynton Beach

Office phone:

Other Clubs and Activities

Aerobics & Aqua


Hi energy, low impact, exercise to music for good health.
Aerobics               M, W, F  9:00-10:00am
Aqua Exercise       Tu, Th  9:00-10:00am


Bunka/Handicraft Club

Leader:  Rita Marderstein 742-8140

Meet Wednesdays 1:00pm - 3:00pm in the Art room upstairs at the Clubhouse.

Our purpose is to learn the art of Bunka--needlepoint, knitting and crochet instruction--and other handicrafts, such as macrame, knitting, crocheting and embroidery.  Bunka embroidery originated in Japan in 1928.  It involves an imprinted cloth, a punch needle, and a special "lili" yarn.  Although you are guided as to what color goes where, you have the freedom to make your stitches long or short, thick or thin.  Bunka is not difficult to learn and has been enjoyed by male and female, young and old, all over the world.  The work done by your neighbors is magnificent -- Come and take a look!


  Chess Club

Leader:  Milt Levy  732-1080

We meet Wednesdays at 1:00pm in the Library.  Come have great games--Make new friends.



President: Irene Mordis

General meetings are held on the 4th Monday of the month at 12:30 am, and a lite lunch is served. Please look to Channel 63 for further details and for listing of current activities sponsored by Hadassah.

Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America, is a volunteer women's organization whose members are motivated and inspired to strengthen their partnership with Israel, ensure Jewish continuity, and realize their potential as a dynamic force in American Society. 

In the United States, Hadassah enhances the quality of American and Jewish life through its education and Zionist youth programs, promotes health awareness and provides personal enrichment and growth for its members.

Investment Discussion Group

Facilitator and Director:  Bill Harris

Meeting date is the second Monday of each month from 4:00-5:00pm.

Our purpose is to discuss and understand financial investments.  Our meetings are similar to a Learning Center for Financial Investments.  You can learn how to select, evaluate and compare stocks, bonds and mutual funds based upon statistical data that is easy to understand, as well as fundamental information that is readily available.  You can ask questions and discuss different approaches with other investors like yourselves.  You can also meet investment advisors and stockbrokers who can provide very enlightening inputs.

Our meetings are exciting and enjoyable and everyone is encouraged to participate.  So, get in the know.  Learn the language of the old and new economies and what the difference is, and how to invest to improve your financial performance.


The Men's Club 

President: Joel Cohen

The Men's Club meets the first Sunday of each month at 10am.  Come early and enjoy a breakfast of coffee, bagels and cheese.  Don't forget to buy your lucky bucks and perhaps you will wind up with the wherewithall for a fine dinner for you and your spouse.  A business meeting is held after breakfast.  Topics of interest to the club are discussed, and plans are reviewed for further activities.  The Lucky Buck is picked and occasionally a guest speaker is invited to discuss a subject of interest to club members.  One purpose of the Men's Club is to promote social activities for itnerested men in our community.  Check Channel 63 for current activities sponsored by the Men's Club.  Dues for the Men's Club is $10.

M.I.L.T. - Majestic Isles Little Theater

President: Francine Gitto

Love to sing and dance?  Love to act and create?  Love to be involved in backstage magic?

Founded by a handful of theatrical wannabes, M.I.L.T. offers a myriad of opportunities for everyone.  The goal is to encourage the development of talent in producing, writing, directing, acting, singing and program management. This is accomplished by encouraging members to involve themselves in monthly workshops, which are usually written, directed and produced by local talent. Tasty cakes, cookies and coffee are always served (free to members, $2.00 to non-members).

There are showcase presentations, generally in November and March. These are our fund raising efforts for the year.  It helps to defray the cost of scenery, costumes, scripts and playbills. The profits are used to enhance the stage and ballroom. In the past, M.I.L.T. has helped pay for stage curtains, sound and lighting equipment. In addition, M.I.L.T. has made contributions to the AED fund and the lighting along Imperial Seas Blvd.

M.I.L.T. always welcomes new faces. The annual dues are $5.00 per person. We invite all residents to come to our meetings, usually the 2nd Sunday of the month at 7:30pm. Check us out and you'll be glad that you did. For more information on how you can participate, contact Ira Schneider or Seena Calder. 

For M.I.L.T. show dates, presentations, activities, etc., check out Channel 63 periodically for information.


Editors:  Betty Wachtel & Phyllis Cohen

Click To Download  Papanicolaou Corps for Cancer Research


Marilyn Chermak



Renee Stichel


The Papanicolaou Corp for Cancer Reserach began in 1952, when a group of women whose lives had been touched by cancer decided to fight back.  Today, we are more than 13,000 men and women volunteers in south Florida.  Our goal:  to raise money to find a cure for this deadly disease.

The Pap Corps works with the University of Miami/Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center.


Singles Singles Club

Co-Presidents:  Marilyn Chermak
                        Renee Stichel

Statement of Purpose:  We are an active group of single men and women.  By extending a hand of warmth and friendship to those who have experienced the loss of a partner, we hope to bring together a congenial group to share and enjoy fun times.  We meet at the clubhouse once a month, usually the last Saturday of each month at 5:00pm.  Enjoy some wine and cheese; then continue on to a first-class restaurant for dinner.  We make friends and enjoy networking with each other.  
Interested?  Call one of our leaders for more information.  Check Channel 63 for our schedule.


  Social Club

President: Sylvia Fefferman

All current activities and events can be found on Channel 63.  Our meetings are held four times a year on the third Tuesday evening of the month at 7:30pm.  Dues are $10.00 per person.

Majestic Isles Social Club has been in existence since 1996 before there was a clubhouse.  Our goal is to provide enlightening entertainment, programs, and parties for all residents of Majestic Isles.  We also support and encourage a variety of clubs and classes to be offered to our residents.  We encourage and thrive on suggestions and participation of all.  Please come to our meetings, join a committee when ready.  Make new friends and have fun.


Travel Club

The Travel Club hosts a variety of trips. We meet four time a year plus some special meetings to talk about travel, view videos, and determins which trips we want to take.

  We Care

Liaison: Joan Baron 737-8722 email:
Estelle Snyder, Recording Secretary 733-2188 email:
Geri Diamond, Corresponding Secretary 740-0929 email:

WE CARE is a concept that has been used to develop programs to assist older citizens.  These programs provide basic support services to seniors and work best in condo/homeowners communities that have a large senior population. Our Majestic Isles chapter is now up and running.

The basic ingredient of all WE CARE programs is volunteerism. The program's foundation is based on neighbor helping neighbor and friend helping friend through a volunteer network.

We have formed the following committees:  

The size of the WE CARE program is not the most important factor.  The heart of the program is the services the program provides to the older citizens in the community.  We WE CARE reinforces the spirit of neighbor helping neighbor and friend helping friend.

Women's Club

Co-Presidents Ruth Oppler|
Barbara Roland

The purpose of this organization is to provide a means of bringing our members closer together by providing activities purely social in nature and of general interest to our members.

Our General Membership meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month.

Back by popular demand:  Cook Book #2 is in the works.  Interested in joining the committee?  Call Sheila Goldstein (737-3907) or email (for subject, type cookbook)




Web site managed by the Computer Committee of Majestic Isles, Boynton Beach, FL
Webmaster is Doris Davidoff - please send comments on web to